Legal Notice & Privacy Policy

BAKENEKO and your data

Dear Candidate, within the frame of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), BAKENEKO informs you that:

  • the contact form on this site uses the services of the site, whose privacy policy can be accessed here:
  • your resume, portfolio and other documents are saved in our mailbox and/or in our system only for record keeping purposes.
  • our system is managed by a provider which also complies with the GDPR
  • when we need to share information about you with our Clients, in particular when we introduce your application for one of our assignments, we will always ask for your formal approval; should other relevant assignments arise later on, we would each time ask again for your approval
  • we ask the utmost confidentiality to our Clients in the way they use your data and ask that they do not keep them when the assignment has been completed; in a similar way, we ask you not to share the information we send you about them
  • you may ask us, any time, to access the data that we have about you and/or to delete it

In this respect, BAKENEKO processes personal data. The Candidate gives consent to the process of his or her personal data, among others for the following purposes: performance by BAKENEKO of the assignments given by its Clients; processing of the requests of BAKENEKO’s Clients; prospection and animation; management of the relationship with the Candidate; production, management and follow-up of the Candidate’s file; compliance with legal obligations when BAKENEKO processes data for the following purposes:

  • prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, as well as anti-corruption struggle;
  • invoicing;
  • accountancy.

Subject to prior approval of the Candidate, which will be given in a separate form, for the performance of its missions, and the processing of the Candidate’s application, BAKENEKO will be able to transfer personal data of the Candidate to its Clients, as well as to sub-contractors or third-party providers, if any.

If necessary, within the framework of the performance of the Services, the Attorney will be able to process, or to have subcontractors or court officers process, personal data related to the Client from or towards a country outside the European Union or an international organisation. Should a transfer of personal data occur towards a country outside the European Union or an international organisation, BAKENEKO shall inform the Candidate of the absence of an adequacy decision by the European Commission, and, if necessary of the appropriate or suitable safeguards and the means by which to obtain a copy of them or where they have been made available.

The personal data related to the Candidate will be stored for the duration of the mission to be performed by BAKENEKO for its client, for which the Candidate has disclosed personal data, plus 3 years for animation and prospecting purposes, save for special storage obligations or statute of limitations. Regarding prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, the data will be stored for 5 years after the end of the relationship with BAKENEKO. If need be, regarding accountancy, the personal data may be stored for ten years starting on the fiscal year where they were provided by the Candidate.

The Candidate acknowledges to have been informed of the existence of the right:

  • to request access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject and to object to processing as well as the right to data portability (via email to the address: or, via postal letter to BAKENEKO, 2bis rue de la Jussienne, 75002 Paris – France, with a copy of a signed identity document);
  • to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
  • to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

The Candidate acknowledges to have been informed that the provision of personal data is a contractual requirement, the provision of such personal data being necessary for the performance of its services by BAKENEKO. Should the Candidate fail to provide the personal data required by BAKENEKO for the performance of its Services, BAKENEKO may not be in capacity to perform its services, which the Candidate acknowledges.

Identification of the data controller

BAKENEKO – 25 rue du Quatre Septembre - 75002 PARIS - FRANCE – France +33 (0)6 22 55 37 71
SASU au capital de 1500 euros – Code APE 7810Z
RCS Paris 834968406 – SIRET 834968406 00027 – TVA intracom./VAT FR25 834 968 406
Siège social/HQ: 2bis rue de la Jussienne, 75002 Paris – France